LBK & Partners reported to misuse ex-customer private data to support Haru Invest rehabilitation case

Concerned victims of Haru Invest from South Korea, who have initially provided their personal via Google Form, but later withdrew from the rehabilitation case discover that their data is used by the law firm to support the rehabilitation case without being asked for consent

LBK & Partners is supposed to be one of the most experienced legal agencies in South Korea when it comes to dealing with digital assets corporate rehabilitation cases (Editor's note: "Corporate rehabilitation" is the equivalent for corporate bankruptcy procedure in the South Korean legal system). The firm is also a participant in the Terra LUNA case, initiated by victims of the colossal financial disaster scheme.

Unfortunately, distressed ex-customers have come to discover LKB & Partners submit on purpose fabricated pro-rehabilitation(bankruptcy) data by utilizing personal data of ex-clients who initially joined, but later withdrew to further its attempts to liquidate Haru Invest in court.

If you have submitted personal details to LKB & Partners via Google Forms but have not paid (or decided to withdrew before they deposited their pro-rehabilitation claims in court against Haru Invest), please contact South Korea  South Seoul District Court (links below) and ask for your details to be removed from the list of pro-rehabilitation creditors. LKB is found to abuse a loophole in the legal system or committing straight misconduct.

We remind investors that corporate rehabilitation (bankruptcy) might not be in the best interest of retail customers, as it might end with less actual money recovered to customers. Currently Haru Invest creditor community is largely opposing rehabilitation (until further decision).

How to withdraw yourself from list of pro-bankruptcy submitted by LKB

Please call the rehabilitation court and check whether you are on the list of applicants for rehabilitation commencement or on the list of LKB receivers. If so, withdraw your application and submit it.

Currently, in relation to the above case, the attorneys representing the applicant have refunded a portion of the money to the applicants who canceled their acceptance and are now proceeding with the lawsuit in the name of the applicants who canceled their acceptance. This may be a case of litigation fraud, and since it is believed that there are a significant number of false trustees other than the person himself, we ask that the court immediately confirm this fact and dismiss the lawsuit.

☎️ Court (Phone: 02-530-1478) (South Korea code not included)

🏛️ Case numbers:

Haru Invest has 3 cases, so you will have to submit them as 3 cases with different case numbers.

  • 2023 meeting 100087 - Haru Invest Korea
  • 2023 meeting 100097 - Block Crafters Co. Ltd.
  • 2023 meeting 100088 - Haru Invest
  • Subject: “Haru Invest Incident”

🏠 Address:
Postal code 06594, 157 Seochojungang-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul (Seocho-dong), Seoul Bankruptcy Court, Division 13 (B)

🌍 Website:

📜 Report:
“I would like to report the above fact to the Korean Bar Association and hold the lawyer accountable.”

Source: Haru Invest South Korean victim community in Telegram.

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